June 2021 MCSQC Update: Aviation Expert Consulting Contract Extended and Other News
NOISE IS INCREASING: Most of our members are noticing increased noise from aircraft. This is due to (1) southerly winds, which are typical in summer, leading to more approaches over our communities, and (2) the increase in leisure travel at Reagan National Airport. Please remember to submit complaints so that the public record reflects the impact on our communities and our lives! Complaints can be submitted at https://viewpoint.emsbk.com/dca3 or via the Airnoise app airnoise.io.
EFFORTS TO DISPERSE SOME APPROACHES: Montgomery County’s aviation consultant, Jim Allerdice of ABCx2, is monitoring flight track data to evaluate the success of the ongoing TAA concept test. The TAA concept is a new operating procedure whereby Air Traffic Controllers will sometimes “shortcut” flights off of published approach procedures with the goal of achieving some flight dispersion. MCQSC will share data about the results of this test as soon as we receive it.
GREAT NEWS - CONSULTANT CONTRACT EXTENDED: On behalf of all our members, MCQSC thanks County Executive Marc Elrich and Councilmember Andrew Friedson for extending the consulting contract with the aviation consulting firm ABCx2. Continuation of this contract is critical to support the important work of monitoring TAA concept test results, engaging in an iterative process with the FAA to maximize approach track variability, and beginning a process to mitigate impacts from Easterly departures, which have not yet been addressed. We are also very grateful to Montgomery County Regional Director Ken Hartman-Espada and Councilmember Friedson’s Legislative Aide Aaron Kraut for their hard work on the ABCx2 contract extension. Thank you!
THE BIG PICTURE: Harmful aircraft noise and emissions (both ultra-fine particulates and greenhouse gas emissions) are growing problems across the U.S. and the world. Communities and advocacy groups are fighting back and demands for change are accelerating. MCQSC is deeply involved in the effort to find long-term solutions and to educate members of Congress about the need for reforms. We can always use more volunteers in this endeavor -- please let us know if you are interested!