June 2020 MCQSC Update: DCA Community Working Group Approves Consultant Assist and Other News
Although the world feels upside down in many ways, our work continues. We want to share a variety of updates since our last communication in mid-May.
Aviation Consultant approved by the Community Working Group
The DCA Community Working Group (CWG) on May 28th voted to officially authorize ABCx2, our MoCo/Arlington aviation consultant, to work with the FAA on behalf of aviation-impacted communities north of the airport. Now that the CWG has given its approval, ABCx2 can proceed to work with the FAA to explore technically feasible options for aircraft noise and pollution mitigation that could help the entire region. We hope that within the next few months, some options will be presented to and reviewed by the North-of-Airport Subcommittee which includes representatives from Montgomery County, Washington, D.C., McLean and Arlington. Options deemed reasonable by that group will later be presented to the full DCA Community Working Group for consideration.
Community Working Group changes
Due to the pandemic, the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority (MWAA) is moving the Community Working Group meetings from monthly to quarterly for the time being, and from in-person to virtual. The next meeting is scheduled for July 23rd at 6 PM. Closer to the meeting, a link will be available on the MWAA website for those of you wishing to listen to the meeting live. The North-of-Airport Subcommittee will continue to meet as needed to discuss options being developed by the aviation consultants.
Fewer Flights
At the May 28th CWG meeting, the MWAA reported a dramatic decline of about 75% fewer aircraft operations and 98% fewer passengers during the months of April and May flying out of DCA and Dulles. They also reported that the numbers are starting to tick up again: closer to 50% of pre-Covid levels. Our members are noticing the recent return of more aircraft overhead.
Outstanding video captures our experience perfectly
We highly recommend that you watch this video produced by a severely aviation-impacted community in Southern California: Next Gen Hell in the Santa Monica Mountains.
National News
MCQSC leaders learned that the FAA is assuring Florida residents that the planned rollout of NextGen in their communities will not affect noise levels significantly. We were so alarmed by this that we alerted a reporter who is covering the story in Florida. As a result, MCQSC was quoted -- and an outstanding website developed by one of our members was referenced -- in a recent article in the Orlando Sentinel.
National Survey
Our fellow activists at Sky Posse Palo Alto (in California) have put together this 2020 Noise and Air Quality Survey to capture impressions and opinions about the recent changes in noise and air quality resulting from the pandemic "shelter in place" measures in effect around the country. It’s very short, and we encourage you to fill it out. Thanks.
MCQSC Meetings
The date of the next MCQSC meeting remains TBD. We are considering holding a zoom meeting for our members sometime later this summer.
Congressional Affairs
We continue to be in regular communication with staff for Congressman Raskin and Senator Van Hollen, as well as fellow anti-aircraft-pollution activists in other parts of the country, preparing for the day when Congress will hopefully again turn some attention to these issues (besides just bailing out the airline industry).
Noise Complaints
Despite lower numbers of flights due to the pandemic, there are still times of day when the noise is significantly disruptive. When this happens, please file a noise complaint and send a note to a friend or neighbor to do the same. Also please remember that there is a (somewhat) new link, so be sure to change any bookmarks on your computer. The new link is: https://viewpoint.emsbk.com/dca3
We hope that you are all doing well! Please reach out to us with questions at any time.
Anne, Janelle, Gretchen